Sunday, July 31, 2011

Quote #2 -- True or False or Does it Depend on your Presuppositions?

"The General Theory of Relativitty, Hubble's redshifts, Penzias's and Wilson's universal background radiation, black holes, quantum cosmology, inflationary theory, and a host of other ideas and discoveries have led to a grand scheme of universal origins called the "Big Bang theory." In the view of many physicists, this remarkable cosmological theory points to a creation event as well as an ordered unfolding of the universe."

From -- New Proofs for the Existence of God -- Spitzer

Again let us note that it is only being said that the evidence seems to point to a creation event and an ordered unfolding of the universe. No claim for Christian theism is made.

I do believe that the creation event was ordered by the God disclosed in Christian theism. Now that is something else all together but it can be argued that it can flow from the claims made by the evidence.


Son of Ya'Kov said...

Dude BDK wasn't dissing you over at the Dangerous minds thread.

He was talking about PhysicsDave.

GREV said...

BenYachov -- Who he was dissing is at this point irrelevant to me. But thanks for pointing this out.

I am going to commit myself to more reading and posting quotes and some part time involvement in some Protestant Catholic groups on Facebook.

Have a good one. You are quite thoughtful to read. Even the posts that make me laugh!