Sunday, July 31, 2011

Quote #2 -- True or False or Does it Depend on your Presuppositions?

"The General Theory of Relativitty, Hubble's redshifts, Penzias's and Wilson's universal background radiation, black holes, quantum cosmology, inflationary theory, and a host of other ideas and discoveries have led to a grand scheme of universal origins called the "Big Bang theory." In the view of many physicists, this remarkable cosmological theory points to a creation event as well as an ordered unfolding of the universe."

From -- New Proofs for the Existence of God -- Spitzer

Again let us note that it is only being said that the evidence seems to point to a creation event and an ordered unfolding of the universe. No claim for Christian theism is made.

I do believe that the creation event was ordered by the God disclosed in Christian theism. Now that is something else all together but it can be argued that it can flow from the claims made by the evidence.

Quote #1 from New Proofs for the Existence of God

"Astronomy leads us to a unique event, a universe which was created out of nothing, and delicately balanced to provide exactly the conditions required to support life. In the absence of an absurdly improbable accident, the onservations of modern science seem to suggest an underlying, one might say, supernatural paln."
-- Nobel-prize-winning physicist Arno Penzias

Page 13 of New Proofs for the Existence of God -- Spitzer

I do not know if this man is a Christian theist and in the end it is not important. Unless I am thoroughly mistaken; is he not suggesting that the physical evidence suggests something?

Please in your replies if any, do not suggest I am saying that all or most physicists are theists. I am saying that some physicists are saying what Penzias is saying.

Quotes from What I believe is a Good Book

Some recent conversations at some blogs both intriques me, confirms some things and discourages me about the state of conversations on the Web.

I know the observations of some cultural observers who cite the deepening of the autonomy of the self descriptor idea of how people act and for me it certainly comes into focus with the increasing bitterness of the attacks of some against traditional Christian ideas. I am not surprised by it rather sad about the passing of respectful conversation in theology, politics, ....

The autonomy of the self at its heart proclaims the wisdom of the individual to decide upon what is true and have little respect for what has gone on before.

This statement that I decide what is true is combined with a disdain for the idea that some might know things beyond their field of specialization.

This is said to the end that I am going to provide what I believe to be very good material from a very good book on Physics and Proofs for the existence of God.

I simply ask the reader of these quotes to judge the evidence provided.

This is not a personal attack but a statement. The atheists demand that we follow the evidence. I am providing evidence for them to follow. Not the whole book. I don't have the time to do that. But quotes that I think should be thought provoking.

Those who would say non-physicists cannot comment on physics are being in the end intellectually arrogant. If the quotes are wrong then show me.