Thursday, July 29, 2010

Some comments on the Onging Atheist Christian Debate

The following was prompted by repeated insistence over at Debunking Christianity, that arguments against their positions in one of their latest publications, are not worth responding to if the opponent does not have a PhD.

IS it interesting to note that some of the Former Belivers have a Fundamentalist Background? It has been my conviction that someone with a Fundamentalist background often swings very hard against their beliefs when their wooden belief structure comes crashing down and no longer allows then to live in this world.

I suspect my posting at Debunking Christianity will avail little but the claim to superiority because of having a PhD, does irk me.

I shall carry on with the reading and as always hope to find interesting and respectful conversations to engage in. With believers and atheists alike.


My response:

Part of what I find amusing and sad in the overall tone of this debate is the repeated insistence that without a PhD you are unqualified to speak to a matter.

First -- that is intellectual arrogance which I have little respect for. The overall erosion in standards at universities since 1997 especially, calls into question claims of expertise just because you have a PhD.

Second -- a PhD qualifies you to make the statement that you have studied a subject. The statements you then go on to make regarding that subject or other ones reveals if you have gained any wisdom.

Right now I am enjoying immensely (perhaps too much), David Berlinski's The Devil's Delusion. He convincingly demonstrates over and over again that scholarly qualifications (having obtained a degree) is no license to claim you are wise, as he deftly skewers those in the scientific community who think they can make short work of religion by linking their atheism and their arguments with science.

To not believe is what some will do. Please, spare me the intellectual arrogance of just because I don't have a degree, I don't or cannot understand the issues at hand.

7/29/2010 7:25 AM

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